Our company K&K Servis, spol. s.r.o. is a provider of meat processing services. We provide complex services in meat carving and boning of butcher-processed pig and cattle bodies for companies operating in meat industry.


The services offered by our company are as wide as to accommodate all your demanding requirements. Due to complexity of the process, it is practically impossible to generate a fixed offer that would be identical for all customers. Therefore, we prepare individual solutions of every process for every customer through our personal approach, combining our customers´ wishes and work invested by our managers.


Our company is supplied with tools for butchers by a company called Řeznické potřeby Kučera (Kučera Tools for Butchers), selling all types of consumer material for butchers and pork butchers. Should you be interested in a complete offer or contact information, please visit their website: www.reznickepotreby.cz

K&K Servis spol. s r.o.

Šmahova 113, Brno 627 00
IČ: 25574132, DIČ: CZ25574132
Tel.: +420 545 224 900
E-mail: info@meatprocessing.cz